Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Random Varieties of Stress

I've been eating like a crazy person, but justifying it by working out. What it comes down to, however, is that I am really stressed out...

I am currently waiting to hear whether or not I've been accepted to graduate school for creative writing, and the odds aren't in my favor: the only school I've heard from is NYU (I was rejected) and they said they received 928 applications this year form 15 spots. Yeah, it's a crap shoot and I'm suddenly coming to terms with the reality that I may not get in ANYWHERE. Scary.

I didn't weigh in again this week, but I am definitely back on track tomorrow, definitely. The running really helps with the mood stabilization, and I'm taking to it more than I thought I would...

I am getting a new tattoo, I believe. I already have two. I got this one last year:



And then I have some small, colorful wings on my back. For my new one, I want to extend ONE wing all the way over my shoulder and down my upper arm to my elbow. Feathers galore. I am PUMPED. I really want to lose some more weight first, however, and thus have more motivation again.

Question: does anyone know how to embed a song on a webpage? Can it be done? I'm sure copywrights prevent people from doing this, but what if you OWN the song--can it be done then? Thanks for any feedback.

I also applied to one film school, to which I had to send a photo portfolio along with my application. I was looking at some of the pictures today and I really like them.



I mean, I gotta get in somewhere, right? Three weeks and I should know all...


woolleymama said...
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woolleymama said...
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woolleymama said...

Love the blog name. Love the tattoos. LOVE that you finally started a f-ing blog. And love that you're going to film school. Positive thinking, okay?!

Also, who *doesn't* need therapy?

woolleymama said...

Jesus, I can't believe I forgot this: LOVE your hot body!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Good luck..I hope you hear from one of the places of choice very soon!!!